Action still needed to pass Constitutional Carry….

by NHFC, Inc. on May 19, 2015

Calls, emails, faxes and letters are still needed to persuade Governor Hassan to sign SB 116, Constitutional Carry into law.

News of licensing violations continues to flood our organization. For instance, we’ve learned that the Hopkinton Police Department has created their own personal variation of our state CCL application. This is a clear violation of New Hampshire law. Our State is spiraling into a Massachusetts-like regulatory scheme where the rules are never clear and one can be denied a license for almost any reason.

The current system of ambiguity and confusion is forcing some police chiefs to take the position that it is better to simply deny an application and ‘let the judge decide’. This approach is a violation of the spirit and letter of New Hampshire law. It forces applicants into an overcrowded court system where the outcome, in a matter of ‘discretion’, may well depend on which judge is appointed to hear your case. This is a costly and slow process with no guarantees and not what the legislature intended.

The statute is crystal clear: “No other forms shall be used by officials of cities and towns.”  In light of recent State Supreme Court cases however anti-gun and liability-fearful authorities have become emboldened!

SB 116 will instantly bring clarity and fairness to the people of NH! Further, it will correct the inherent injustice in the current system!

Please click here to email Governor Hassan and click here to email her Chief of Staff, Pamela Walsh, you can use the NHFC prewritten email below, or write your own note. But please, please contact the Governor’s Office!  Don’t wait, please do this now! And always remember to be polite but firm.

Dear Governor Hassan,

Please sign SB 116, Constitutional Carry into law. While New Hampshire has had licensed concealed carry for 92 years, recent court cases have changed our state’s practice of allowing anyone who may legally own a firearm to carry one concealed. SB 116 will fix this.

There are already seven other states that allow for constitutional carry, and they are seven of the safest states in the country. One of those states is Alaska, which passed its Constitutional Carry law in 2003 and has seen its murder rate drop 20 percent in the ensuing 10 years (FBI statistics). Another one of those states is neighboring Vermont, which is frequently ranked as the Safest State in the Union!

The State Police in our neighboring state of Maine wholeheartedly support Constitutional Carry. In fact, over 90% of police nationwide support the principle of concealed carry for law-abiding citizens, according to a survey taken in 2013.

If you prefer, you may reach the Governor’s office by phone: (603)271-2121 or by FAX: (603) 271-7640.  U.S. Postal mail may be sent to:
Governor Hassan
Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301

Keep fighting!

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.

President – NHFC

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