Action needed, Vote coming soon on anti-gun David Patch….

by NHFC, Inc. on June 3, 2017

You may have heard, on May 17, the Executive Council once again tabled the nomination of anti-gun David Patch for another 5 year term on the Fish and Game Commission.  Your calls and emails are working.  That is why the Executive Council keeps pushing off voting on anti-gun David Patch.

You may also have read a news article where Mr. Patch, attempting to defend his anti-gun record, said:

On the back page, “firearms” was used instead of “pistol/revolver.”

“Firearms opens the door (to all guns)…”

Anti-gun David Patch just doesn’t get it.  A truly pro-gun person would be in favor of allowing all guns to be carried loaded and concealed anywhere, anytime, in any way.  But you see, David Patch is an anti-gun activist so he is opposed to this.  In any event, SB 12 was only about pistols and revolvers, his claims are a red herring intended to deflect attention away from his anti-gun record.

Several people in Carroll County have told us that Executive Councilor Joseph Kenney is now claiming that the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is the only organization opposing David Patch.  That is not true.  Gun Owners of America sent a letter to all 5 Executive Councilors.  Click here to read their letter and click here to see their legislative alert.

Councilor Kenney also said about David Patch:
“He is a man of public service and well-thought of by the people of Carroll County. I’m good with where I’m at on this. I think David does a great job.”

What this means, is that Joe Kenney might be planning to team up with proven, anti-gun Executive Councilor Chris Pappas to confirm David Patch.  Chris Pappas once said:
“Hillary Clinton speaks strongly and clearly and has a tremendous grasp on the issues.”

And when the Manchester Republican party held a machinegun shoot fundraiser, Chris Pappas said:
“The citizens of Manchester have lived through a deadly spike in violent crime the past year-and-a-half, despite the campaign promises of (Mayor) Frank Guinta to lower crime rates,” Pappas said. “That the mayor’s political party would seek to glorify the use of machine guns for political gain is unconscionable.”

It sure looks to me like Joe Kenney is thinking about teaming up with an anti-gun, Hillary Clinton supporter to confirm an anti-gun activist to another 5 year term on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.  This is very sad since Councilor Kenney promised to: “…make support of the right to bear arms a test for all nominees and appointees for state appointments”

In our last alert we told you about a host of bills that anti-gun David Patch and the Fish and Game Commission have taken positions on that are not related to Fish, Game, Wildlife and Marine Resources. Things, like opposition to a bill that would have prohibited state and local law enforcement from assisting Federal law enforcement in the collection of data without a warrant.  Involving the commission in bills that would determine what types of license plates may be placed on certain commercial vehicles, opposing a bill that would prohibit state and local law enforcement from enforcing federal anti-gun laws, maintaining railroad crossings, reducing OHRV registration fees for members of clubs (making non-club members pay extra), opposing literally dozens of bills which were intended to increase the accountability of law enforcement, the use of drones and much more.  The list of non fish and game bills supported or opposed since anti-gun David Patch joined the Fish and Game Commission is endless and grows every year.Typically, the positions on most legislation is determined at the January meeting of the Fish and Game Commission.  Click here to find all the minutes from the past few years. 

ACTION:   Please, once again contact your Executive Councilors and urge them to oppose anti-gun David Patch.  Click here for contact information.

NOTE: Whether or not you live in Councilor Kenney’s district, you must contact him.  His vote effects the entire state. Please remind him that in 2014, when he wanted to get elected he promised that he would use the support of the right to bear arms as a test for ALL appointments.  on his NHFC 2014 Candidate Survey he answered yes to question 10:
Will you make support of the right to bear arms a test for all nominees and appointees for state appointments, especially the commissioner of safety, attorney general and  judicial appointments?

But now that Joe Kenney has been elected, he claims he is going to vote to confirm anti-gun David Patch.

We need to convince Councilor Kenney that this is an overt anti-gun act and would constitute a broken promise if he votes to confirm anti-gun David Patch to another 5 year term on the Fish and Game Commission.

Please also contact Governor Sununu and urge him to admit that he made a mistake and to withdraw the nomination of anti-gun David Patch.  Click here for contact information for Governor Sununu.

Please visit our homepage to see our extensive reporting on the anti-gun votes taken by David Patch while serving as a Fish and Game Commissioner.

If any Executive Councilor or the Governor writes back to you please email me their response.

Please remember to be polite but firm when you contact Governor Sununu and the Executive Council.

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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