Action needed! Rep. Butler pushing anti gun amendment…

by NHFC, Inc. on January 25, 2014

We have been warning you about HB 1589 which, if enacted, will put you in prison for selling a gun to one of your friends.

Our statehouse sources have told me that the sub committee which we told you about in our last alert is planning to offer a substitute bill that would call for a so called “study committee”.  The majority of “study committee” members would be appointed by anti gun House Speaker Rep. Terie Norelli.  This does not bode well for your rights to own use and sell your firearms as you see fit.

Don’t be fooled by this amendment, it will open the door for sweeping gun and magazine bans in New Hampshire as well as restrictions on private sales and on who can own or carry a gun for self defense.  You can read the amendment by clicking here.

Here’s what you need to do:

First contact all members of the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee by clicking here. 

You can click on each committee members name for their phone and email address.

Second, contact The chair, Rep. Butler and let him know how you feel about this draconian legislation.  His listed number goes to the front desk of the hotel he owns.  Be polite and just ask them to take a message for you and to have Rep. Butler call you back.  Rep. Edward Butler, (603)374-6131

You also need to send a very strongly worded message to Rep. John Hunt, the ranking Republican / minority member of the committee.  You need to remind Rep. Hunt that he has a duty and obligation to follow his party platform and vote against all new gun control and make sure that the other members of his party do the same and vote HB 1589 “Inexpedient to Legislate” ITL.

Click here to email Rep. Hunt. and call him at: (603) 899-6000

Please don’t forget to contact House Minority Leader Rep. Gene Chandler and remind him of the basic principles of his party.  Tell Rep. Chandler that you expect him to make sure that all members of his caucus vote  ITL on HB 1589.

Click here to email Rep. Chandler and call him at: (603) 374-6603

Finally, contact your own state rep. and urge them to vote ITL on HB 1589.  Click here to find out who your state rep is.

If any of these elected officials writes back to you please forward that email to NHFC.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,
Scott A. Krauss
Vice President – NHFC

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