Acting like the DC swamp and they’re not even there yet…

by NHFC, Inc. on August 16, 2018

It has come to our attention that there is some confusion about our decision to score candidates, who do not respond to our survey, with a grade of F (RS) which means, REFUSED SURVEY FAILURE TO RESPOND.  The grades are posted here.

A few points are in order, first, over 30 years of experience has taught me that those who truly support Second Amendment Civil Rights enthusiastically answer candidate surveys.  Second, while a candidate may have held state office (as a Representative or Senator); the issues facing the US Congress are markedly different than those that are considered by state office holders.  We have heard that some folks are claiming that State Representative Steve Negron is “on our side”.  Sadly, Negron failed to vote for HB 1749 to prevent cities and towns from banning guns and he has not completed his NHFC Candidate Survey.

In an effort to be fair to all candidates, I have personally called candidates and urged them to respond.  Most did.  I personally spoke with Steve Negron; he promised me that he would respond… as of the date and time of this email we have still not heard from Representative Negron which is why he earned and received a grade of F (RS).

A final point, at least one NHFC Member spoke with Rep. Negron.  Both Rep. Negron and his helper, Roger Wilkins were nothing short disrespectful and rude.  You can reach Rep. Negron’s scheduler, Pam Lindberg at (603) 410-7604 and politely tell her to remind Rep. Negron to complete his NHFC Candidate Survey.  Firearms owners are entitled to know his views on important issues OR you can email the campaign by clicking here to urge Rep. Negron to complete and return his NHFC Survey.

Another candidate whose rhetoric doesn’t match his actions is Eddie Edwards. You can contact the Edwards campaign by phone: 603-312-9912 OR 202-809-6013 or by clicking here to send an email urging Mr. Edwards to return his NHFC Survey.

Firearms owners deserve specific answers to questions about nationwide concealed carry, federal gun and ammunition taxes, federal regulations of certain caliber firearms, magazines.  We need to hear all of the candidates views on other such important topics like resolving longstanding problems with the instant check as well as their opinion on changing federal law so dealers in tax free New Hampshire can sell handguns to anyone from any state.  Under current law people must purchase handguns only in their state of residence.

Regarding all of the other candidates, if you see a score of F (RS) on our report card, please contact the candidate(s) and urge them to complete our survey.

Many candidates for public office claim to support Second Amendment Rights, however, their unwillingness to put their views in writing is often an indication that the campaign rhetoric is far from their real position.  Please call and urge them to respond!

As I was writing this alert I learned that Eddie Edwards, (possibly due to poor advice from the same party who advised Rand Paul not to debate), is refusing to participate in tonight’s debate. This is but another example of Eddie Edwards refusal to say where he really stands on the important issues of the day; especially the Second Amendment.  Please don’t wait, contact him now and demand he complete and return his NHFC Survey!

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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