Calls needed to stop “Sell a gun go to jail bill”…

by NHFC, Inc. on February 2, 2014

This past Thursday, the House Commerce Committee Chairman, Rep. Ed Butler, held yet another so called “executive session” on HB1589.  The hearing was overwhelmingly attended by responsible citizens in the state, citizens like you and me; yet the Chairman and some committee members still choose to ignore the input of the people.

The session was a farce — a total mockery of the legislative process.  We even found out during the session that the amendment being handed out was not the final version.  The fix was in and they intended to modify this bill yet again.

You see, Rep. Butler is squarely in the pocket of gun-control puppet-masters like Michael Bloomberg.  His zeal to pass some kind of a gun-control bill in this legislative session is unprecedented for New Hampshire.  Maybe it’s because Ed Butler is a New York City transplant. In New York he was likely well educated on radical gun control laws.  Whatever the reason, Ed Butler appears committed to enacting whatever radical gun registration statutes he can get away with, by any and all means at his disposal.

Make no mistake, his goal is not closing so-called “gun show loopholes”.  His goal is to create a national gun registry, and he wants to create the model for that registry in New HampshireClick here to learn how to help.

Ed Butler wants the government to know about the sale of every firearm. He wants you to obtain permission to sell, lend or give away your personal property .

HB 1589 is Ed Butler’s ticket to create this back-door registry.  We expect the next version of this bill will be revealed sometime Tuesday morning before the full committee meets to “exec” it.  The bill will likely get a floor amendment, which will change the language yet again.

  • But what we can tell you for certain is that right now, the latest version of HB 1589 would:
  • Send you to jail for selling a firearm to a friend;
  • Make it a criminal act to give a firearm to a friend or neighbor without going to a licensed dealer;
  • Prohibit loaning a firearm to a friend to try at the range;

You see, the “sell a gun to a friend, go to jail” bill is being pushed by the House leadership, and we will not see the final version of this legislation until it is brought to the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday February 12th for a vote.  But I don’t think we really need to see what’s coming out the other end of the gun-grabber’s sausage grinder to know that it’s going to be bad news for law-abiding New Hampshire gun owners.

I need you to call these 10 members of the House Commerce Committee over the weekend, and let them know how you feel.  The outcome of this bill is fully dependent on the outcome of these 10 votes.  These 10 votes are the swing votes.  Phone calls are far more effective than emails at changing committee member votes.  Tell them HB1589 is a bad idea that cannot be fixed with amendments, and that they should vote “Inexpedient to Legislate” (ITL).

Joe Scarlotto (d)  Lives in PORTSMOUTH. (603)501-1800
Kenneth Gidge (d) Lives in NASHUA. (603)888-2355
Kermit Williams (d) Lives in WILTON. (603)654-7684
Chris Muns (d) C Lives in HAMPTON. (603)929-3629
Catherine Mulholland (d) GRAFTON. (603)523-4497
Ruth Heden (d)  Lives in MILFORD.(603)673-7036
John Hunt (r) Lives in RINDGE. (603)899-6000
Donald Flanders (r)  Lives in LACONIA. (603)524-5369
Ronald Belanger (r) Lives in SALEM. (603)893-0659
Ralph Doolan (r)  Lives in Littleton. (603)259-3187

I know that you may have already sent emails or letters, but several of our friends in the House have told me that at this time, phone calls will be most effective.

Lastly, it is worth getting your friends to do the same, please forward this email to them and politely ask your friends to invest the same time.

If any of these elected officials sends you an email please forward that email to NHFC.

Thanks for your continued support.
In Liberty,
Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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