NHFC Action Alert! Join us in Nashua December 19!

by NHFC, Inc. on December 12, 2013

If you want to prevent a gun banning Massachusetts carpetbagger from getting elected to the U.S. Senate next year, than you MUST join NHFC in Nashua on December 19th.  More on that below, but first, let me tell you why it’s so critical that you make your voice heard.

We are about to enter a very important fight that will determine the future of our gun rights, a battle for control of the US Senate.  But the New Hampshire Republican establishment is trying to sell us out… and I’m going to need your help in order to stop them.

You see, anti-gun Senator Jeanne Shaheen is vulnerable.  She was a big booster for Obamacare, and she’s feeling the heat because of the program’s disastrous roll-out, and because people are increasingly seeing the program for what it is – a massive new tax scheme, and an unprecedented government intrusion into the most private aspects of everyone’s lives.

Remember how, back in April – in large part because of grassroots pressure from gun owners like you – the Senate managed to strike down a new burdensome gun control scheme under the guise of a so-called universal background check?  Well, Harry Reid has shown that he’s willing to re-write the rules that made it possible for our friends in the Senate to stop that legislation.  And very soon, the Senate will be voting on the freedom-destroying UN Small Arms treaty.

Conventional wisdom says that Senator Shaheen’s Senate seat is up for grabs, but if we don’t do everything we can to win that seat now, anti-gun politicians may be able to permanently erase the freedoms we enjoy.  The very freedoms our founders sacrificed everything to secure.

The good news is that there are strong pro-gun candidates looking to enter the race.  But Republican leaders in Concord are ready to abandon principle.  They want to shut out the grass roots, and sell the opportunity to re-take the Senate to the highest bidder.

And that bidder?  Why, it’s none other than Scott Brown, the rabidly anti-gun, Bloomberg-backed former Senator from Massachusetts, looking to take his political ambitions over the border into the Granite State.   This is the same Scott Brown who – as a State Senator from Massachusetts – supported banning so-called assault weapons.  But the New Hampshire Republican State Committee is embracing him with open arms at a $500-a-plate VIP reception in Nashua on December 19th.

We can’t let this happen.  We have to send the message: that sacrificing our freedoms and selling the nomination to a liberal, anti-gun carpet-bagger is positively unacceptable.

NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn is even encouraging the anti gun anti freedom Scott Brown to run.

You and I are the Grassroots! And Jennifer Horn wants to shut us up and shut us out. The People decide who will represent us, not Jennifer Horn and the poltical elites; and certainly not some billionaire from New York City, Let’s take action!

Action Items: You need to call the members of the Republican State Committee, click here for a complete list of the leaders of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee.

Please also contact Republican State Committee Chair-woman Jennifer Horn and express your outrage at her support for a gun banning politician like Scott Brown. (603) 440-3070 or at the Republican Office (603) 225-9341

Also contact the Executive Director, Matt Mowers (603)225-9341

You should remind all members of the Republican State Committee that their platform contains a strong pro gun plank:

“Protect the rights of law-abiding citizens to own and carry firearms to defend themselves, their families and their property; oppose any taxation, licensing restrictions, or registration of firearms; oppose the requirement to obtain a license to carry a concealed firearm; oppose any “assault weapons” ban; support the universal right of self defense wherever one has a legal right to be.”

Ask these politicians why, with such an unambiguously pro-gun plank, and with former Senator Bob Smith likely to enter the race, would they even consider welcoming the gun-banning carpet-bagger, Scott Brown?

Most importantly, if you are in the Nashua area, I need you to join me in Nashua, outside the Hunt Memorial Building for a protest on December 19th from 6PM until 8PM, which is the time and location for the Scott Brown reception.


Thursday, December 19, 2013,  6-8PM

Hunt Memorial Building 6 Main Street Nashua, NH 03064

Protest to remind-“BLOOMBERG-Endorsed Scott Brown” the CARPETBAGGER, that his ANTI-GUN policies have no place in New Hampshire politics.

Come dressed in Blaze Orange

Since the NHRSC will be collecting gifts with the Salvation Army, may we suggest that like us, you bring a new unwrapped toy gun for donation.

Thanks for your support.

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