4 anti-gun bills – Feb. 13, Concord!

by NHFC, Inc. on February 7, 2019

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 – Four anti-gun bills will have public hearings.  Ask your employer for the day off NOW and plan to attend.  We need YOU in Concord.   Please keep reading for all the details…

In my last update I provided some details about HB 109, sell (or give) a gun to a friend and go to jail and HB 514 which will force you to wait up to 11 days (7 business days, holidays and weekends excepted) before bringing home a new gun or ammunition.  HB 109 will probably end firearms training in New Hampshire because if an instructor lends a student a gun it will be considered a “transfer” and must be processed by a licensed dealer.  But if HB 109 doesn’t end training, HB 514 will because instructors will not be able to supply ammunition to students for immediate use; they will be forced to wait up to 11 days before receiving their ammunition.

One of the worst parts of HB 514 is found in Section II: “A licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector shall make available records of firearm and ammunition sales for inspection by any state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency, during normal business hours.

HB 514 sets the stage for a statewide gun and ammunition registry.  The necessary first step before confiscation is registration!

Both of these radical bills will be heard by the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee on Wednesday, February 13 at 1PM and 230PM respectively.  Please click here to read our previous alert and plan to attend.

Also on February 13, at 9AM, the House  Education Committee will conduct a public hearing on HB 101 which will create an exemption to New Hampshire’s preemption law and allow local school boards to ban guns.  HB 101 is very similar to the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban of 2018, click here to see our alert.  Then, at 10AM, the Education Committee will conduct a public hearing on HB 564, which will create a new, off limits place for concealed carriers with possible jail time for those who violate this ban.  We prefer to call these criminal safe zones.  It is absurd to even think that a murderer will be deterred by a no guns allowed sign or law.

Please make every effort to attend these important public hearings to let the Committee Members know that you will not accept one word of gun control.   Even if you plan to attend it is important to send the following pre-written messages to both committees and to your own State Representatives. If you don’t know who your Representatives are, click here to find out.

Pre-written message to: HouseCriminalJusticeandPublicSafety@leg.state.nh.us

Dear Representatives,

On February 13 you are scheduled to conduct public hearings on HB 109 and HB 514.  Please vote both of these anti-gun, anti-freedom bills “inexpedient to legislate”.

HB 109 is attempting to criminalize transactions between friends, family, neighbors and members of the same shooting club.  There is no obvious problem that HB 109 will solve because there is virtually no firearms crime in New Hampshire.  HB 109 will add costs, delays and possibly expose otherwise law abiding firearms owners to risk of arrest for merely loaning a firearm to a friend or family member,

HB 514 is another solution in search of a problem.  As you may know, HB 514 imposes an up to 9 day waiting period between the sale and delivery of a firearm or ammunition.  Again, there is virtually no firearms crime in New Hampshire but there will be when New Hampshire citizens inadvertently violate the provisions of HB 514.  HB 514 will end spur of the moment hunting or target shooting trips.  It will also end firearms training in New Hampshire because instructors will no longer be able to supply ammunition for students to use during a course unless the course is scheduled to occur 9 days after the ammunition is supplied.  It will also prevent prospective firearms owners from renting a firearm and buying ammunition from the rental range to use on those premises unless…. the transaction takes place 9 days later.

Please vote HB 109 and HB 514 “inexpedient to legislate”.

Thanks for your consideration.

Click here for the roster of all members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

Pre-written message to: HouseEducationCommittee@leg.state.nh.us

Dear Representatives:

On February 13, you are scheduled to conduct public hearings on HB 101 and HB 564.  Both of these measures are an attempt to prohibit the mere possession of a firearm in a school.  Fortunately, New Hampshire has not had a tragedy in any of our schools.  We have not had a tragedy because we allow otherwise law abiding adults to carry self defense firearms.  Someone who is contemplating a horrific crime has no way of knowing whether or not his intended victims will be able to offer armed resistance.  Please do not make our children potential victims.  Please vote HB 101 and HB 564 “inexpedient to legislate”.

Thanks for your consideration.

Click here for the roster of all members of the House Education Committee.

As always, if any State Representative writes back, please send me a copy: arice@nhfc-ontarget.org

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.P.S.  Our national partners at Gun Owners of America are urging the US Senate NOT to confirm anti-gun William Barr as US Attorney General.  Click here for their alert and instructions on how to take action.  After this alert was posted, GOA released some information on Mr. Barr’s involvement in the now infamous 1992 raid on Randy Weaver, Ruby Ridge, Idaho.  Click here to read that and take action.

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