
2019 Legislative update just before ‘Crossover’

by Secretary, NHFC on March 23, 2019

We are approaching the halfway point of the 2019 legislative session so I am writing to provide you with an update. At the halfway point, often referred to as “crossover”, the House and Senate each send the bills they have passed to the other body for consideration. “Crossover” is a critical day and this year, Crossover is scheduled to occur on April 4th for most bills. At this point in time we have put together a quick summary of the status of the major anti-gun legislation that we have been warning you about. Please share this picture or post with your friends.


hb696 hearing date large

Next week, on Tuesday, March 26th, the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will hold two public hearings on anti-gun bills. First, at 10AM they will conduct a hearing on HB 696, eldercare gun confiscation, then at 11AM they will hold a hearing on HB 564, gun free, criminal safe schools.

These two bills could be stopped before they get to the Senate, but we need your help. Please make every effort to attend these hearings. To date, we have almost stopped or killed 50% of the anti-gun bills this year and with a little bit of extra effort, we can stop these next two BEFORE they “crossover” into the Senate. The best way to do that is to contact the committee, show up in person, or even better, do both. This time the gun bills will be heard first thing in the morning and if you attend you will likely be able go to work in the afternoon. Please understand that most of the time, the House follows the committee recommendation and so far this year that has happened on every bill, except for the HB101 which was tabled. Therefore, the best way to stop legislation is to persuade the committee to vote against it.

Crossover bill status

Even if you plan to attend the March 26 public hearings, it is also vitally important that you email the members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

Pre-written message to Members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee:


Dear Representatives:

I am writing to let you know that I am strongly opposed to BOTH HB 696, a gun confiscation bill disguised as an elder care bill and HB 564 a bill that will ban self-defense (and defense of our children) by banning the possession of guns in schools.  HB 696, is a long complex bill, that is attempting to create a new standard in New Hampshire that will allow third parties to petition the courts, in ex-parte hearings to take away a person’s Second, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights without due process. Sure, the “respondent” can request a hearing — after the fact and spend thousands of dollars on attorneys and experts. But that is after property has been confiscated and rights have been violated. Ex-parte hearings should never be allowed. The accused should always be part of any hearing conducted.

Every tragedy that has occurred in the past 20 plus years has occurred in a gun free, or criminal safe zone.  Please don’t place our children in mortal danger by disarming law abiding adults.  This approach failed in Newtown, CT, Parkland, FL, Littleton, CO and every other place that has suffered from criminal abuse of firearms.  New Hampshire is safe and has not had a tragedy precisely because we allow law abiding adults to carry self-defense guns.

Please vote HB 696 and HB 564 ITL.  Thank you.

As always, if any State Representative(s) write back, please send me a copy: arice@nhfc-ontarget.org

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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