2014 NHFC Election Guide

by NHFC, Inc. on November 1, 2014

Dear NHFC Members and Friends,

I am reaching out personally to thank you all for the victories that we have had this year and for taking the fight to the enemy even during some low periods.

Also, our long awaited candidate grades are available on our website and hardcopies will be in the mail this week. Click here to see our new grades.

Generally, when NHFC assigns a grade to a candidate during a primary election that grade stays with the candidate through November. However, in some cases, we are able to obtain additional information about a candidate’s views on Second Amendment issues after we have published.

In the case of Gubernatorial Candidate Walter Havenstein, he has been very vocal about his support for “Constitutional Carry,” promising to sign such a bill into law if it came to his desk as Governor.  Due to these public statements, even though there are still issues where we may disagree, we have decided to raise Candidate Havenstein’s grade to a B.

The right to keep and bear arms is the foundation protecting all of our freedoms. No fundamental right is more cherished, and there is and no greater responsibility than to fight in defense of that right.

No election is cut and dry, nor should they be, but this election is particularly troublesome for us here in NH. Let me tell you what I am choosing to do.

Back in December 2013, rallied by NHFC, over 150 faithful gun owners, chilled to the bone, joined in downtown Nashua to protest Scott Brown’s attendance at a New Hampshire Republican party fundraiser. We were told by the anti-gun, party Chair, Jennifer Horn that Mr. Brown wasn’t a candidate!!! He’s just here to help out. We knew otherwise.  Horn was obviously recruiting him to run.

We’ve read that playbook and know the tactics; the subtle and the obvious ‘checker’ moves. Brown was the establishment’s man from day one. By his deeds, his words, his inaction and his silence, we know where he stands on Second Amendment Civil Rights issues.

Which is worse, the devil you know or the devil you don’t? Jeanne Shaheen is a known quantity. She will impose any gun control that she and Obama can get away with. It is the very fact that she is known however, that we have risen to the occasions; we have fought together and beat back the ceaseless drum for gun control. When the enemy is known we can easily identify and fight; when the enemy claims to be one of us, he can infiltrate and undermine our rights and we will be forced to have a far more difficult intra-ideological battle.

Scott Brown is less known and what we do know is not good. He has no problem with the idea of banning guns from law abiding citizens on the strength of an absurd proposition: that it will prevent violent criminals from committing violent crimes. The appearance of safety over actual safety is what Brown buys into. He is a known compromiser and has the potential to legitimatize gun control and pass gun control legislation that Shaheen never could.

>From the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition’s foundation we have stood on principle and “No Compromise” is not just a catchy slogan for us.

I said I would tell you what I was going to do, personally. I am going to vote for Bob Smith as a write-in candidate. He is the best representative of a gun rights advocate and I refuse to concede to the establishment their notion that they know better than I, the lone citizen, as to what’s best for New Hampshire and this country.

Whoever wins, we will still be here to fight!

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.

President – NHFC

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