2 anti-gun bills, full House votes on Wednesday, calls needed

by NHFC, Inc. on February 24, 2019

This coming week the House of Representatives will consider two radical anti-gun bills, HB 696 and HB 564.  Please read this entire alert for details and instructions on how to take action.

HB 696 will be before the House of Representatives on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 and we need you to call and or email your State Representatives to let them know that you are opposed to the Republican cosponsored gun confiscation bill.  In this alert, we told you about HB 696, gun confiscation.  The House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee ignored your voices and voted this bipartisan anti-gun bill “ought to pass” with an amendment on February 13.

In an effort to make our position perfectly clear, I sent a letter, via U.S. Mail to every State Representative explaining why we are so strongly opposed to HB 696.  I included letters from Michael Hammond, Legislative Counsel to Gun Owners of America and former State Representative Dan Itse who is a member of the NHFC Advisory Board.  Click here to read those letters.

There is never any doubt that when Senator Martha Hennessey and Representative Renny Cushing are involved, gun owners civil rights are in danger.  However, in the case of HB 696, their gun confiscation efforts are being helped along by Republican Senator Sharon Carson and Republican Representatives Ned Gordon, William Marsh and Charles McMahon.

The Republican party keeps trying to convince us that they are our best friends — but with friends like these four… well I think you understand.  HB 696 is a bipartisan assault on the Second Amendment and we must ensure that it does not become law. 

The House of Representatives will also consider HB 564 February 27.  HB 564 will criminalize the carrying of a firearm in a school zone we described HB 564 in this alert.  This new, off limits place for concealed carriers will place those who violate this ban (even unwittingly) at risk of going to jail.  We prefer to call these criminal safe zones.  At the February 13 public hearing one person even said that HB 564 will allow school officials to call the police if they see a gun.  They sure will call the police and an otherwise law abiding person will be arrested and jailed for a possessory offense.  To the contrary, a murderer will probably come in and just start shooting comfortable with the knowledge that no one will be able to fight back because the adults have been disarmed.  This is what happened at every tragedy that has taken place in gun free zones.  It is absurd to even think that a murderer will be deterred by a no guns allowed sign or law.   Sadly, the House Education Committee also ignored your voices and voted HB 564 “ought to pass” and we need to urge the House to stop it.

We need you to please act now because HB 696 and HB 564 are both scheduled to be considered by the entire House of Representatives on February 27.  Please don’t wait, contact your State Representatives at once to let them know you are opposed to both HB 696 or HB 564.  Click here for a roster of all State Representatives.

Pre-written message to all State Representatives:

This week you will be asked to vote on HB 696, a long complex bill that is attempting to create a new standard in New Hampshire that will allow third parties to petition the courts, in ex-parte hearings to take away a person’s Second, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights without due process. Sure, the “respondent” can request a hearing — after the fact and spend thousands of dollars on attorneys and experts. But that is after property has been confiscated and rights have been violated. Ex-parte hearings should never be allowed. The accused should always be part of any hearing conducted. The committee proposed amendment does not change any of this and the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition told me they will consider a vote for HB 696 to be an anti-gun vote.

You will also be asked to vote on HB 564 which will create a new offense of carrying a gun in a school.  As you may know, New Hampshire has virtually no off limits places for concealed carry.  It is precisely because of this that New Hampshire is consistently ranked as one of the safest places on earth.  A would be criminal does not know if his victims are able to offer armed resistance.  Please don’t place our children in danger, it is absurd to think a murderer will be stopped by a law and a sign.  Armed self defense works.

Please vote against an “ought to pass” motion and instead vote HB 696 “inexpedient to legislate”; please also vote against any “ought to pass motion” on HB 564 and instead vote HB 564 “inexpedient to legislate” as well.

Thank you.

As always, if any State Representative(s) write back, please send me a copy: arice@nhfc-ontarget.org

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

P.S.: Please save the date: Tuesday, March 5, 2019, at 10AM, the New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will hold a public hearing on HB 687, the other gun confiscation bill.  Plan to attend to let the committee know you are opposed to so called,  “red flag” gun confiscation.

P.P.S.: Have you signed our petition opposing all anti-gun bills?  If not, please click here to sign.  We will print and deliver your petitions to the Governor, Senate President and Speaker of the House.

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