The lies just keep on coming…. from Scott Brown

by NHFC, Inc. on June 12, 2014

For months, we have been telling you about Scott Brown’s anti-gun activities.  If you need a review, all past informational messages are on our website.

Click here for details on his gun ban record.

And here you can learn about how he wants you jailed for carrying a gun.

We have clearly explained how Scott Brown has more in common with Barack Obama and Eric Holder than New Hampshire firearms owners.

If you click here you will see how NHFC exposed Brown’s relationship with an anti-gun company in Florida.

Last week the Boston Globe did an extensive report on Brown’s connection to that anti-gun company, Global Digital Solutions.  We previously reported on how Global Digital Solutions wants to include RFID chips and other electronics in firearms.  Things that will make it easy for the government to track your guns and harder for you to defend yourself.

The Boston Globe report is detailed and explains that Global Digital Solutions does not appear to have any sales, patents or products.  It further describes how the stock has declined sharply in value over the past several months from approximately 98 cents per share to 48 cents per share.

Due to NHFC exposing this cozy corporate relationship, combined with the report in the Boston Globe, Brown has resigned from the Advisory Board of Global Digital Solutions. That was also reported by the Boston Globe.  Brown is quoted as saying:

“… I am resigning my advisory position with the company and relinquishing all my rights to the restricted stock that has been granted me, effective immediately.”

The Globe reported that Brown was granted 1.5 MILLION shares of restricted stock, from which he is now walking away.  At the recent price of 48 cents per share that equals about $720,000.

The average New Hampshire citizen could likely not afford to simply “walk away” from $720,000. These continued acts further expose the elitist culture in which this power-hungry politician lives.

We previously reported that when Brown does attend an event, such as a recent Gun Owners of New Hampshire meeting, his staff clears the room of any cameras, recorders and reporters.  What is Brown afraid of?

The Nashua Telegraph is now reporting that Brown may have lied to the Merrimack Business Association. He declined an invitation to attend their candidates forum to be held on June 18.  He said he had a previous engagement and asked for another time to meet with the Business Association.  A time when he would be there alone, with no other candidates??? You can’t get away with your political maneuvering here Mr. Brown!

Brown has a habit of avoiding events where there might be other candidates.  On April 8 he did not attend a debate at the Bedford Public Library. What is Brown afraid of?

It has now been reported that Brown sought to meet with the Nashua Telegraph Editorial Board on June 18.  It sure looks like he asked for the meeting to avoid appearing at the Merrimack Business Association forum with the other declared candidates, (all of whom are far friendlier to the Second Amendment than Brown).

NOTE: The Nashua Telegraph is now a subscription website, unless you are a subscriber the above link will not work.

Not only is Scott Brown an anti-gun elitist, but he seems to work hard at avoiding events where he might have to answer direct questions and debate another candidate.  Scott Brown certainly appears to be the consummate establishment insider candidate.  Will you let the establishment select the next US Senator or will the people of New Hampshire make this important decision?

Read, stay engaged, and don’t be fooled!  Talk to your friends, talk to your fellow gun owners, and write letters to the editor.  The Republican party can do better than Scott Brown.  New Hampshire deserves better.

Keep Fighting!

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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