Scott Brown wants you jailed for carrying a gun…

by NHFC, Inc. on April 18, 2014

Scott and I have been warning you for months that so-called establishment Republicans were actively recruiting anti-gun former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown to run for US Senate in New Hampshire.

These so-called leaders want a win, any win, and they think they might have that with anti-gun Scott Brown.  They are prepared to throw the party platform out the window to send this gun banner to Washington.

We let you know about Scott Brown’s desire to ban certain firearms and magazines and we provided his quotes in a Politico article. But Scott Brown also wants to have you thrown in jail for conduct that is lawful in New Hampshire, and arguably lawful in most other states. You see, Brown has revealed his antipathy to law-abiding gun owners in statements he made opposing Nationwide Concealed Carry recognition. He thinks it is OK for Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and other anti-gun states to arrest travelers for merely possessing a firearm.  In fact, you cannot leave New England by car without going through one of these anti-gun states and risk being arrested.

We have a copy of a letter from former Massachusetts Senator Brown to former Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.  Brown is pretty clear on this issue, he said, in reference to H.R. 822 (2011 bill number):

“… if H.R. 822 or similar legislation comes before the Senate I will vote no.”

What Brown is saying is that it is just fine with him if New Hampshire firearms owners, who might stray across the boarder into Massachusetts, are arrested for a posessory gun offense.

Scott Brown is very much the chosen candidate of anti-gun former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg even hosted a fundraiser for Brown at his New York City home.

According to the New York Times: “Mr. Bloomberg, through a spokesman, said his endorsement was not about Wall Street at all, but about his desire to reward Mr. Brown for voting against his party and the National Rifle Association on a gun control measure.” 

And Bloomberg’s spokesman Stu Loeser also said: “The biggest reason the mayor is supporting Senator Brown is the senator’s help on one of our biggest gun issues: opposing concealed-carry reciprocity that would let people with gun permits from rural states like Arkansas and Kentucky carry hidden handguns in New York City.”

This is not about states rights.  States don’t have rights, human beings do.  Human beings have the right to travel free of government interference and they also have the right to armed self-defense while traveling.

We have been urging NHFC members to contact Republican Chairman Jennifer Horn (603) 440-3070 and tell her to FORCE Scott Brown to follow the party platform.  It has been reported that Ms. Horn is telling gun owners that:

“She is a big 2nd Amendment supporter but she cannot hold Scott Brown to the Platform on every issue, even on gun control.” She also said we must meet and persuade Scott to change his mind.

And Horn went on to say: “I am fully committed to having the resources and ground game in place to support whomever our primary voters choose in each race and have been working diligently to make sure we have a united party ready to win in the general election.”

Ms. Horn is also telling people that the New Hampshire Republican Party will not take sides in Primary Elections.  But this is simply not true.  She invited Scott Brown to New Hampshire and recruited him to run.  As I explained above, several prominent Republicans are pushing Brown.

I think that gun owners need to keep calling Ms. Horn until she understands that as party Chairman, she has an obligation to FORCE candidates to follow the party platform.  It is her job, not ours to enforce the party’s platform.

Jennifer Horn is only interested in electing Republicans; any person who says they are a Republican is good enough for her even if they refuse to follow the party platform.  Her attitude is the end (a Republican Senate) justifies the means (supporting a gun banner).  This is not acceptable.

Ask Ms. Horn what other freedom and liberty issues she is willing to discard.

Remember the protest in Nashua last December?   We had to protest because Jennifer Horn invited Scott Brown to speak at a Republican event!  Jennifer Horn has been recruiting Scott Brown to run for Senate.

Please call and email Jennifer Horn and explain things to her: (603) 440-3070 or

Tell Ms. Horn that you will not donate or support a party that supports gun ban candidates.  Tell her that you will donate to the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition instead.

If you receive any responses from Jennifer Horn or anyone else please click here to forward them to NHFC.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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